High — above 500 mgs per 100 grams food. Medium — above 100 mgs. per 100 grams food Low — below 100 mgs. per 100 grams food Note:
- These are averages only and would vary widely depending on variety, locale, soil, and climate.
- As a rule, when consuming seeds of fruit with vitamin B-17 in the high range eat only that many as you would have been able to eat if you were to actually eat the whole fruit along with the The bitter taste in some of them is due to the presence of cyanide which in larger quantities could be poisonous. The cyanide in most of such foods is thought to be held in forms that allows its release only when in contact with mutated / cancer cells, however it should always be consumed with care. The US Nutrition Almanac recommends a maximum of 35 apricot seeds per day, no more than 5 kernels at any one time in a 90 min period. Almonds not more than about 6 to 8 per day. All spread throughout the day. Do stop if you notice any side effects such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, or fever and consult your Physician. Vit B-17, has not shown any significant effect on Brain Tumours, Liver Cancer or Sarcomas. It however is claimed to help against Prostate cancer.
Sprouts, berries and beans are a safer option. However, over consumption of any sort is something to be avoided. The most active ingredient in laetrile is not the cyanide but benzaldehyde molecule.
- Leaves and beans may be used for making soups.
- Ensure you get enough zinc (the main transport for laetrile), magnesium and selenium in addition to other minerals and vitamins especially vitamin B-complex, vit C and vit E. This is why a proper nutritional programme supplemented as necessary with vitamin B-17 is ideal.
Do not take laetrile with probiotics or blood thinners. Probiotics may act to increase the amount of free hydrogen cyanide
Indicative recipes using foods high in Vit B-17:
- Cashew chicken with apricot sauce
- Frozen berries with coconut and lime
- Dark chocolate almond butter
New Treatment for Tumours and Cancer:
- The extract of the Blushwood berry, a rare plant found only in Northern Queensland, Australia, named EBC-46, has been determined as having cancer fighting properties discovered by Eco Biotics, a Biotechnology Company. Dr. Glen Bayle at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research writes – “we were able to achieve very strong results injecting EBC-46, directly into melanoma models, as well as cancers of the neck and .. In most cases the single injection treatment caused the loss of viability of cancer cells within four hours, and ultimately destroyed the tumours… in more than 70 percent of pre-clinical cases, the response and cure was long term and enduring, with very little relapse over a period of 12 months”
The drug starts working instantly. There is a purpling of the area of the tumour itself within 5 minutes. It becomes black by the next day and falls off few days later. The drug kills the tumour, cuts off the blood supply and activates the body’s immune system to clean up. There is however no evidence EBC – 46 would be effective against metastatic cancer. Research is still in its early stages.
- In chemotherapy a common problem is that cancers respond by mutating and developing resistance. Newly developed medications, known as check point inhibitors, discovered by immunologist James P. Allison and others, already produce unprecedented rates of long-term remission for some hard-totreat cancers and have the potential to be effective against almost any kind of malignancy and to curb recurrence.
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