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Book-2: Guide to Total Wellness -1.0

Other Supplemental Treatment for Cancer Prevention and Cure:

Vitamin B-17 or amygadalin is a natural substance and when concentrated is known as laetrile. It is called the anti-cancer vitamin and is used as an alternative supplemental treatment for cancer. According to ‘Cancer Tutor’, it works to strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer cells from developing and even to reduce tumours, selectively killing mutated cancer cells and thus prevent spread of existing cancer. It stimulates the immune system by causing a significant increase in the ability of a patient’s white blood cells to attack harmful cells.

A study published in the International Journal of Radiation and Biology found that vit-B17 amygadalin stimulated the immune system by causing a statistically significant increase in the ability of a patients white blood cells to attack harmful cells. It also helps increase the production of beneficial pancreatic enzymes that prevent the transformation of normal cells into dangerous cells that can cause disease. Vit B-17 is also thought to help the body experience enhanced detox effects by supporting liver function, thus ridding the body of toxins, malignant cells and other potentially harmful substances before they cause illness or serious chronic disease.

Vit B-17 also relieves pain, lowers high blood pressure (hence it is not to be taken with other BP lowering medications). Avoid all sugar when taking vitamin B-17 treatment.

Healthy cells contain the enzyme Rhodonese which neutralizes Benzaldehyde and Hydrogen Cyanide in B-17. It converts them into useful nutrient compounds, Thiocyanate and Benzoic acid. Cancer cells do not have Rhodonese but instead have an enzyme found only in cancer cells called Beta-Glucosidase, which releases the Benzaldehyde and Cyanide from the B-17 to create a targeted posion that kills the cancer cells. Increases the acid content of tumours leading to destruction of harmful cells and thus arresting their growth or ketting them.

While many specialists today agree that laetrile (say from apricot seeds or almonds) is a very good cancer treatment, they recommend that it be used only as an effective supplemental treatment for a cancer patient. But many others strongly recommend trying this treatment first, especially when the cancer is in the early stages and as an alternative to chemotherapy.

Vitamin B-17 appears in abundance in untamed nature. However, because it is bitter in taste, selection has eliminated much of it from domesticated crops and fruit, though high amount can still be found in that part not usually eaten by modern man and in reasonable and effective amounts in even the domesticated crops and fruit. While food sources may provide smaller doses, they are always a safer option that has much less of a risk than extracts or pills.

Grains such as millets, buck wheat, maize, barley and flax are also good sources of vitamin B-17. It is arguable whether vitamin B-17 is really a vitamin as it may not be essential for reaching or sustaining good health. But proponents point out that many diseases were recognized as caused by a vitamin shortage only long after a disease was treated only for its symptoms. Scurvy and vitamin C, Pellagra and vitamin B, Rickets and vitamin D and so on, so perhaps cancer is caused by oxygen deprived cells and deficiency of vitamin B-17 or laetrile and helps where proper breathing, diet and exercise (including deep tissue massage) have not been effective enough.

Laetrile may also be used as seasoning as you would use salt.

For cancer patients taking Laetrile, it is important to consume papaya and pine apple each day, as their natural enzymes, papain and bromelain respectively, strips the coating on cancer cells, so that the vitamin B-17 can work.

Zinc is the transportation for the laetrile and nitrilosides in the body. Healing systems in the body also require sufficient, Vit C, Vit A, Vit B, magnesium and selenium. It is therefore important to follow a proper nutritional plan that includes all these in adequate quantities.

DO NOT take laetrile with high strength Probiotics as this may result in adverse side effects.

Citrus fruits like lemon, orange and grape fruit help prevent the side effects of Vit B-17.

Foods Containing B17 (Nitrilosides)

Vit B-17 also provides pain relief and lowers high blood pressure.

Listed below is an evaluation of some of the more common foods that contain Vit B-17.

Fruits range*
Blackberry, domestic Low
Blackberry, wild High
Boysenberry Med.
Choke cherry High
Wild crabapple High
Market cranberry Low
Swedish (lignon) cranberry High
Currant Med.
Elderberry Med.

to high

Gooseberry. Med.
Huckleberry Med.
Loganberry Med.
Mulberry Med.
Quince Med.
Raspberry Med.
Beans range*
Black Low
Black-eyed peas Low
Fava High
Garbanzo Low to med.
Green pea Low
Kidney Low to med.
Lentils Lima, u.s. Med. Low
Lima, burma Med.
Mung Shell Med. to high Low
Tubers Range*
Cassava High
Sweet potato Low
Yams Low
Carrots Low
Seeds Range*
Apple High
Apricot High
Berries High
Buckwheat Med.
Cherry High
Flax Med.
Grape High
Millet Med.
Nectarine High
Peach High
Pear High
Plum High
Prune High
Squash Med.
Carrots Low
Sprouts range*
Alfalfa Med.
Bamboo High
Fava Med.
Garbanzo Med.
Mung Med.
Bamboo shoot Med
Wheat grass Med
Grains Range*
Barley High
Sorghum Med
Buckwheat Med
Maize Med
Millets Med
Leaves Range*
Alfalfa High
Beet tops Low
Eucalyptus High
Spinach Low
Water cress Low
Celery Low
Nuts range*
Bitter almond High
Cashew Low
Macadamia Med.

to high

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