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Book-2: Guide to Total Wellness -1.0

  1. Additional Health wise Suggestions
  • You may add baked fish to your diet but avoid fried fish.
  • Supplement with chlorophyll
  • Specifically eat an alkalizing diet. Lemon juice and lemon gratings help.
  • Take a large dose but not more than 5 gms of Vitamin C daily, because massive doses will cause kidney stress. This dosage could be problematic for patients with kidney or liver cancers, so use common sense. Avoid shell-fish (prawns, shrimps, etc) while taking large doses of vitamin C supplements or lime juice.
  • Avoid sun screens, cosmetics, and all lotions containing toxic
  • At least once a day, take a lemon and ginger drink, because of its ability to improve body pH rapidly.
  • Avoid white bread, white rice, white sugar, white salt, white flour, and anything that is bleached with chlorine compounds.
  • Avoid “table” salt and get high quality unbleached sea salt.
  • Do not use tap water in a vaporizer, because it will release chlorine gas.
  • Find safer alternatives to common soaps, bleaches, and detergents at health stores.
  • Eliminate candida, which should already happen with the Budwig
  • Avoid all vaccines. Do consult your Physician.
  • Use iodine transdermally, but beware of povidone iodine. If a pill form is necessary, then supplement only with red marine algae capsules. Do not use any other type of oral supplementation for iodine.
  • Take a teaspoon of cold pressed organic coconut oil daily.
  • Delay detoxifying, in case of liver or kidney cancer or when a person is severely ill or unstable.
  • For people with lung conditions use a nebulizer to inhale 3 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide mist.
  • Avoid any doctor who is not willing to learn about this protocol and help you follow it, and monitor your health while doing
  • See a specialist, such as a naturopathic doctor (N.D.), especially for deathly ill patients, who can provide I.V.’s, including safe hydrogen peroxide I.V.’s if necessary.
  • Use Vitamin B-17 for bad cases, but avoid it for people with impaired livers. (See – Below)
  • Drink the Oxygenating Drink made as follows; (several times a day):
  • 250 ml spring water
  • 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp. baking soda
  • 1-2 tsp. of 3 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide (wait until
    all fizzing has stopped before adding, and be very gentle)

For more information, read Dr. Johanna Budwig’s books:

– “Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases”

– “Cancer – The problem and the solution”

“Oil – Protein Diet Cook Book” and

“The Budwig Cancer and heart Disease Prevention Diet”

Note: It is encouraging to note the similarities in dietary recommendations between this diet and the Ketogenic life style dietary regimen.

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