The demand for the division of existing large States into Smaller States has long been pending. Some States such as Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Telangana have been carved out, though in the case of Telangana it was against the will of the State Legislature. Decisions on the division of States should be properly considered and recommended by the States Reorganization Commission tasked for this purpose. Perhaps a once and for all proper reorganization of all States is now called for. The formation of the National Capital Region (South) may also, be taken up at the same time, as the need for such on NCR(South) is a long awaited proposal. All Mega cities should also, be considered as separate units, perhaps as Union Territories run by their own Corporations and Mayors.
Calls for re-organization of the Members of Parliament are also, many and need to be considered as a one time decision simultaneously with the final reorganization of the States. Calls for continual adjustments should be resisted, especially in these days of Computers and digital networks and Social Media that allows for far better and faster understanding and response to the needs of the constituency. Just population cannot be the sole criteria as it will continue to vary considerably over time in various regions due to various causes.
The aim should be to make every State/ Union Territory in the Country formed with proper Geographic, Economic and Administrative boundaries, and be satisfactorily represented in the Parliament. Language can also, be an important consideration but as Telangana has demonstrated it cannot be the sole consideration.